Close Friends, New Neighbors: Zoe and Corey’s Family Move

Key days are always special, but this one was extra EXTRA special!

Zoe and Corey’s two sons are best friends with my own boys so I was over the moon when they asked me to help them find their next home. With two growing athletes (meaning tons of sports gear!) and a big love for their local community, it was time to find a new, larger house that still kept them in the same school district.

The perfect home popped up and soon it was theirs! The house is pretty gorgeous but the best part is that it’s much closer to my own family (ok, I might be a little biased). But in all seriousness, Zoe and Corey’s youngest son will now get to walk to school and meet up with his friends nearby, and that’s such a great win!

Having Corey’s parents there to celebrate when I got to hand over the keys was the cherry on top of a perfect ending. I am so SO happy for everyone! Here’s to new chapters, close friends, and all the neighborhood adventures ahead!


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